Our Lakes & Pond


As mandated by Colorado State Water Engineer’s Office and Colorado Dam Safety, Harris Park is continuing repairs to satisfy the complete rehabilitation of Regal Lake.  The lake will remain closed until further notice.

There were two phases of construction:
Outlet Repair The intent of the outlet repair project was to address dam safety issues which had been identified by the Colorado Division of Water Resources, State Engineer’s Office and the Dam Safety Branch.  The improvements included a CIPP (Cured in Place Pipe) lining of the existing outlet pipe, installation of a new intake structure, slide gate, and control pedestal, as well as a staff gauge.  

Flume Installation The Division of Water Resources issued a revised order on April 4, 2017 requiring that Harris Park Metropolitan District (HPMD) construct a release monitoring station at Elk Creek downstream of Regal Lake Dam for water rights purposes.  In response to the State’s order, HPMD planned for the construction of a Parshall flume downstream of the confluence of flow from the outlet, spillway, and Tate Creek, and equipped with an electronic data logger to continuously record flow data for DWR representatives to access.

HPMD expresses gratitude to:
 1.  Park County Land and Water Trust Fund Board for awarding a grant.
 2.  JDS/Hydro Engineering Consultants for Engineering, and Project
 3.  Colorado Division of Water Resources, State Engineer’s Office and
       the Dam Safety. 
  4.  HPMD Dam Committee and Volunteers.

The project serves to  “instill a sense of pride”  in the fact that HPMD’s dedication, determination and devotion to the preservation of our natural resources and the community’s most precious and treasured asset (water) is being secured for the enjoyment and pleasure for future generations. ?



The rehabilitation project included installing a new HDPE (high density polyethylene) slip lining in the existing deteriorated outlet pipe, installation of a filter diaphragm around the outlet, and construction of a new toe drain system.  The project also include a new slide gate for flow control, and a new staff gauge.  The project was successfully completed in December 2016.



Our small pond is near the Community Center.  This pond is an ideal for children’s fishing, and ice skating in the winter.  Our annual Huck Finn Fishing Tournament is held at Flora Pond, and the pond is stocked for this event with larger fish for the tournament.

                                                          TATE POND

In 1995, the earthen dam at Tate Pond failed and the pond was emptied.  When we obtained the Water Rights Decree in 1977, the usage of this one acre pond was identified as Fire, Domestic, Stock, Wildlife.  It was fed by Tate Creek which flows from Elk Creek and can store 3 acre feet of water.  Tate Pond, now dry, is located in Harris Park at the junction of Cowan, Brown and Brigham Roads.

In 1996, Harris Park Water & Sanitation District proposed a plan to rebuild the dam and rehabilitate the pond.  However, due to many financial constraints and the cost of the project, the project never happened.

To protect our water rights, we are obliged to notify the Colorado Department of Water Resources that we wish to preserve our water rights, and do not wish to abandon the pond.

As of 2019, our time limit on non-abandonment expired.  HPMD worked with our attorney on preventing Tate Pond to be added to the State’s reservoir abandonment list.  Our request was granted by the State.  We now have another ten years to rehabilitate this pond.
The dam committee will be in the process of implementing a plan to get Tate Pond rehabilitation completed.  Tate Pond will be critical in contributing to fire prevention in HPMD. 


In 1984 Harris Lake was breached, due to seepage into several residential septic systems and property.  Harris Lake was a 3 acre lake located at the end Shelton Drive.  It originally held 24 acre feet of water.

Due to the high cost of rehabilitating this lake, it has been abandoned.  In 2016, HPMD worked with the Platte Canyon Fire Department, and cleared the dry lake bed.  It is now being used as a landing zone for the Flight For Life program and also access to all emergency equipment.