

2024-2025 Fishing Application and Regulations will be ready soon.


Fishing Application 2024-2025

Fishing Regulations Residents and Property Owners 2024-2025

Short Term Rental info

Another Montana gem, the Big Hole.







Regal Lake (Lake #1) is closed., and there is no fishing allowed.  We are continuing repairs.

Fish Stocking Schedule  – Mt. Royal Lake (Lake #2) and Flora Pond will be closed to fishing on the delivery date and will reopen on the following Friday.
Monday, May 23 – (for Memorial Day weekend)
Monday, June 27 – (for Huck Finn Day and July 4th weekend)
Monday, August 29 – (for Labor Day weekend)

How to obtain a fishing badge:
Click on the link above titled “Fishing Application 2024-2025.”  Complete, Print,
Mail the application with your payment. 
Forms are also available at the front of the Community Center Building.  Please remember that you need to pay your $50 Community Fee in order to get fishing badges.  Please allow 7-10 business days to process and receive your fishing badges.
Please make checks payable and mail to :

Harris Park Metro District, 2154 Shelton Dr. Bailey, CO 80421.
Any additional questions about fishing badges, please email Board Secretary: Mercedes Sornsuwan at

  • All HPMD property owners/residents desiring fishing badges must first submit their yearly community fee of $50/property.  Fishing badges are available at a cost of $30/badge and are valid from May 1 – April 30 of the following year.  Up to 6 badges per household.
  • Non-property owners in HPMD may NOT fish in the HPMD lakes unless they are a guest of a HPMD property owner.  Property owners and their guests must all have, and carry, valid fishing badges while fishing.
  • You do NOT need a Colorado State fishing license to fish in HPMD.  You MUST have a HPMD fishing badge to fish in HPMD lakes.
  • All those who wish to fish MUST observe and abide by the HPMD Fishing Regulations.  Please click on the link above; read and then print the complete fishing regulations.
  • All of the lakes and ponds are the private property of HPMD.  These lakes are not open to the public.
  • Our lakes are stocked three (3) times during the summer:
    On each Monday before Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day.  Lakes will be closed for that week for fish acclimation.  Signs are always posted.

We have added a minnow hatchery to Mt. Royal Lake (Lake #2).
We are hoping that we can increase the number of minnow in the lake to provide food for the trout, which will make for healthier trout and hopefully increase the number of trout.